The Ajuvis Labs Mission:
Commitment to Research
Ajuvis Labs prides itself in the furtherance of cutting edge research by leaders in their respective scientific areas. Our lead scientists include MDs and PhDs from leading universities and institutions. Our research employs an intention to find novel and clever ways to deliver benefit to the human body utilizing whole natural means when possible.
Emerging Science Innovative Compounds
Emerging research continues to identify nutrients and combinations that when utilized in the right proportion and balance with create a compounded effect leading to geometric improvements in benefit. The nutrients include amino acids, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, anti oxidants and pre and pro biotic strains.
Empowering Systems to Defend Themselves
The function of the human body depends on its ability to adequately defend, protect and repair. biochemistry dictates that certain nutrients and elements be present for these systems and processes to be fully effective enabling the body to perform in a necessary functions in the face of any external or internal toxic threat.
Creating Balance and Homeostasis
Emerging research indicates the significant role of specific varieties of bacteria and the enzymes they produce to exert a profound effect on specific systems within the body. Ajuvis Labs seeks to create products capable of generating sustainable improvements for long term health and benefit.
Adherence to Quality Standards
The FDA requires that all manufacturers adhere to a system that ensures quality and purity of products. this system is known as cGMP or Current Good Manufacturing Practices. Ajuvis Labs prides itself in strict adherence to the rules and spirit of these regulations to ensure a quality product each and every time. this commitment extends beyond using the correct ingredients to creating a system through which each and every step of manufacturing process is done in a consistent manner.